Vaccination Program

How to Document COVID-19 Vaccinations For Your Workforce 

Are you challenged with creating a vaccine certification program for your business or institution? ADVANTIDGE supports clients with custom Identification Solutions that address complex challenges due to COVID19 using secure vaccination credentials and vaccine passports. As vaccination programs for COVID-19 rollout, there has already been controversy and confusion on what credentials are needed to certify a vaccinated individual. While the CDC and WHO focus on vaccine tracking and getting vaccinations distributed, there are currently no guidelines informing organizations on what to document regarding vaccinations amongst their workforce but vaccine passports could be the solution.

ADVANTIDGE offers several solutions with high-security reliability for credential issuance along with tracking anyone who intends to step foot within your facility. We specialize in providing innovative solutions to achieve quick implementation and functionality that can adapt based on guidance from the CDC or other government agencies.  

A Custom Vaccine Passport for your institution may include:


Benefits of Secure Vaccination Passports

By pairing an existing ID card with a custom hologram, it’s easy to match the identity of the cardholder with the tamper-resistant vaccination patch and quickly verify that an individual has been vaccinated with great accuracy. For many organizations, this may be the path to a return to normal including private events with no mask requirements and an end to social distancing. 

Benefits of a Vaccine Passport Program

An in-house vaccine passport program provides several benefits for organizations concerned with safety, accuracy, reliability, and speed of issuance. Our COVID-19 vaccine passport solutions offer:

With our 20 years of expertise and the right combination of software, hardware, and support services, ADVANTIDGE vaccine record solutions can be used to display and verify the status of COVID-19 vaccines issued to employees, students, visitors, or any other individuals with efficiency and accuracy to ensure a healthy population within your organization. High-security COVID-19 vaccine certification cards are ideal for workplace verification, school staff, and organizations that manage any kind of social event.

Let us help you discover the right solution for keeping your business safe with vaccine passports. Contact us today!