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Preferred Partner

Paxton Access Control

Preferred Partner

Paxton Access control offers a secure, convenient, flexible and cost-effective way of controlling who has access to your building and when that access is allowed. All businesses have to protect assets and employees while allowing people to move freely in the areas that they need. It is common in buildings that are secured by locks and keys for doors to be left unlocked all day.

Standalone access control is the simplest way to secure and control access through doors around a building. This option is best for independent doors or offline applications. Networked access control is designed to be easily scalable, you can build your system one door at a time. The software is simple and intuitive and comes with a range of features that move beyond the basics of locking or unlocking a door.

In every relationship we build, and every product we sell, ADVANTIDGE is committed to excellence. Ready to feel confident in your access control solution?

To learn more about the benefits of Paxton Access Control, click on the appropriate resource below:

Who Uses Paxton Access Control

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Innovative Solutions

Innovative Solutions

Our mission is to find a better way. We are natural learners and strategic thinkers, continually exploring innovative and proven technologies to find answers for our clients' most challenging security challenges.



Our value is created through dialogue—asking smart questions, listening, understanding, and offering expert advice. We only recommend solutions that suit you, meeting the needs of today while planning for tomorrow.

Trusted & Proven

Trusted & Proven

Our brand partners trust us to deliver the right solutions for our clients' specific applications. With decades of combined industry knowledge, they know we will only recommend the best products for optimal outcomes.

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Educational Non-Profit chooses to Upgrade Security In New Headquarters

A Jewish Temple first came to ADVANTIDGE back in 2015 to assist with improving security as part of a major construction upgrade to their Culver City campus. The existing security system included outdated, low resolution, CCTV cameras that didn’t provide sufficient visibility to the staff or security team and they had no way to see who was requesting entry access...

Access Control Upgrades That Help Employees Feel Safe


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