Student ID Card Stack

ADVANTIDGE offers a variety of printing services for our clients for producing high quality, full color plastic cards which are used for many different applications. Although most of the high volume requests are handled on a large digital printing press, there are occasions where we need produce samples, or a small run of cards using desktop solutions. These are similar to what we provide to clients for handling their own card printing with employee ID badges, membership cards and more.

Samples produced inhouse use the same printing technology offered to our clients, and is typically used  to show off the end product of a badging system that utilizes hardware and software with a client’s artwork. Below are the submission guidelines for getting artwork to ADVANTIDGE for in-house printing services which is similar to the requirements for high volume card production.

Please use the following specifications to ensure smooth processing of your request:

We recommend clients work with their inhouse graphics team to prepare their artwork with the guidelines above. ADVANTIDGE may be able to assist with coordination between with your inhouse or external teams using our pre-sales consulting services for a nominal fee to ensure your graphics are in the right format.

For larger opportunities, ADVANTIDGE may be able to provide a small batch of sample cards at no charge (up to 5 samples with two different designs) which you can request from your account manager. Otherwise samples can be ordered in any quantity with any artwork through our online partner IDSuperShop.