Government and utility sectors requiring visitor management systems

Visitor Management Systems; A Crucial Piece in Integrated Security for Critical Infrastructure Facilities

What ways are you combating threats to ensure the safety of your workforce and facilities? Do these systems help you meet industry compliance? You know there isn’t room for uncertainty. 

The risk of incapacitating our physical and digital systems that are vital to our society’s livelihood, can have a debilitating impact our our health, safety, and economic security. This isn’t new news. But are you the one held accountable if there’s an unauthorized intruder on your premises, and they gain the type of access they need?

Being able to monitor who is going in and out of your facilities, such as third parties, vendors, & visitors, is a critical piece in preventing security breaches that could catalyze those consequences. Check out these key ways to improve your visitor management systems for integrated security:


How Improving Visitor Management Can Play a Crucial Role in Integrated Security 


Digitize Your Visitor Management System: 

Hopefully you’re confident in the physical access control systems you have in place, and your perimeter is secure. But you know it gets a little more complicated when you have all types of people entering and operating out of your facility; for various reasons.  Do you have a system in place that can track and collect visitor data and present you with live, actionable data at any given moment? 

Depending on the size of your organization, number of buildings or locations; and daily operations; utilizing a Visitor Management System with built in automation is a must. 

If you’re still relying on an attendant or welcome desk to manually verify visitors’ identification and their reason for visiting, you’re prone to human error. Information can easily be keyed incorrectly, the building employee could be hard to find, and the visit may be unexpected. With the possibility of dozens of visitors arriving at once, each needing access to different areas to connect with different people, your receptionist or security attendant could easily become overwhelmed. In addition, they’re not only expected to be on top of the visitor schedules, but they have to be able to spot fraudulent IDs from different states and countries. It’s easy to see how an individual could be granted access to the wrong area or allowed to enter somewhere that should be restricted to vetted employees and contractors.

Take the weight and reliance off of your staff by introducing contactless and frictionless registration processes. Digitalization of your Visitor Management System provides you with real-time data & streamlined identification processes, which prevents human error, and ultimately keeps your organization more secure. 


Automate Your Visitor Management Systems

Similarly, an automated visitor system virtually eliminates user error, establishing a more secure building for visitors and staff alike. Sophisticated self-service systems allow visitors to register themselves at multiple kiosks rather than wait for a security attendant. Can you automate instructions for visitor check-in from outside of your facility, in advance of their visit? Many healthcare companies, for example, require visitors to fill out paperwork prior to their arrival, check in once they arrive on premises, but remain in their car until their doctor is ready to see them. Removing the task of manually entering information into a security system speeds up the registration process which can allow reception to cater to important vendors or unexpected events, free your IT team up for higher value tasks, and allow visitors a seamless experience. 

Talk to ADVANTIDGE today to see how our Visitor Management Solutions can streamline your check-in processes with customized automation. 


Personalize Your Visitor’s Credentials 

How do you issue credentials to a third party or individual that allows them specific access to the premises while on site? Do you use visitor badges, printed or digital QR code (2D barcode), radio frequency ID cards, or government-issued IDs such as passports or driving licenses to register & verify your visitors? A person attending an interview poses a much lower threat to an organization than a contractor, so the credentials they are required to provide at certain entry points should reflect this. In this case, an organization may wish to issue the prospective employee a temporary barcode to be read from their phone or a printout when they arrive on site. 

For more secure applications in data centers, schools, government or municipal buildings, government issued IDs can also be used to enroll and verify a visitor before providing them with access to secure areas on site. 

Types of Credentials for Visitor Management Systems

Making sure you can personalize credentials for your visitors or contractors, can help you efficiently authorize people to navigate through the building only to their designated location or access point. Lastly, it should include a final check-out before leaving — a crucial last step for fire safety and contact tracing purposes.

Talk to ADVANTIDGE if you need help customizing your credentials and verification process as part of updating your visitor management system. 



Digitizing and automating identity verification processes can look different for each industry. However, critical infrastructure facilities not only have to lead the way in integrated security for compliance reasons, but they have to stay secure so society can remain intact. 

Luckily, with ADVANTIDGE Enterprise Solutions, we can customize your system to industry specific needs including: visitor management for corporate, visitor management for healthcare, visitor management for government, & visitor management for municipality. 

Book your consultation today to learn how we can cater to your unique facility needs and industry requirements.