ISO 9001 physical access security compliance

Are you an IT leader working in the manufacturing industry? Does your organization’s access control system currently meet regulatory requirements?

As your role becomes more and more integrated with physical security, how do you ensure your logical & physical access control systems are keeping employees, vendors, shareholders, and regulatory agencies safe and satisfied? 

Don’t get blamed for cogs in the supply chain, due to breaches of security & unexpected downtime at your facility. 

ADVANTIDGE can help you migrate from legacy prox & outdated access control technology so your company, people, and assets stay protected AND your organization stays compliant with ISO 9001 standards. 


How is your current access control system running? Check out these key practices below to gauge if your processes & systems meet quality standards required by ISO 9001, or if you do indeed need to update your system. 

Modernize Your Physical Access Control Technology

When’s the last time you updated your access control systems? Is your aging technology an active liability? Still relying on low frequency 125Khz proximity cards to secure your facility? It’s easier than ever before to duplicate any low-frequency 125 kHz RFID fob or key card. Not only are those technologies putting your organization at risk, which you’re well aware of, but there are much more efficient & convenient ways to authorize access to the right people. 

With innovations in contactless smart card technology, there are better ways to secure your facility’s access control system. Migrating from low-frequency proximity systems to high frequency 13.56Mhz chips with encryption doesn’t have to be abrupt or disruptive. ADVANTIDGE can help you modernize your system in manageable steps.

Establish an Access Control Baseline

Does your IT team have a baseline of current access control levels? How do you determine what roles in your organizations have “need to know” access vs “all access?” Do those access levels support proper functionality within each of your team’s job responsibilities? Are there some roles that have access where they’re not supposed to? Establishing this baseline will help you find any gaps in your current processes. ADVANTIDGE can help you perform a gap analysis on your existing access control system to identify any vulnerabilities. 

Automate & Monitor User Provisioning

How do you watch for signs of inappropriate access activity? Using manual processes to detect unusual behavior can not only be difficult, but extremely inefficient. 

Does your framework for managing access control policies account for each job role type? Automating your IT processes, like password management & account administration, can help ensure employees only get access to the information they need to do their jobs, and give you more time to do yours. Hurray for increased productivity & compliance!

Tailor Access Controls to Your Environment

The access controls that your company needs depends on your IT environment, and the regulations you face within the manufacturing industry.

Are you able to audit, review, and declare who has access to what & when?

How Do You Separate Types of User Access?

Third parties, suppliers, stakeholders, employees, security crews, the list goes on. They don’t all need access to the same information. Do you have a system in place where only developers have access to their environments, or supply chain analysts only have access to their data, or manufacturing engineers only have access to their projects? If you’re not sure, ADVANTIDGE can help you identify a solution that will help you set up the appropriate access controls.

Is Your Team’s Activity Being Tracked? 

What if there’s malicious inside intent? Is there a way for employees or others to test access restrictions when no one is watching? Sounds cynical, but in this day in age, if people know their activity is being tracked; they may be less likely to try something. Don’t know if your current access control system can track/monitor what you need? We can help you upgrade to one that can.

Terminate Old/ Unused Accounts 

Do you know if former employees still have access to old servers or applications?  Is there back door access? Making sure previous employees, third parties, or stakeholders that have transitioned out of your organization, don’t have access to anything anymore, can ensure you don’t have unintentional doors left open. 


Not confident your access control system is impenetrable both physically & digitally? Implementing these requirements to meet ISO 9001 doesn’t have to be daunting or disruptive. 

Show your industry that your organization has quality procedures, quality protocols, & proper protection. Meet ISO 9001 access control compliance by upgrading your system with ADVANTIDGE today .