HIPAA compliance physical access control upgrades

Upgrade Your Physical Access Control System to Meet HIPAA Compliance

Access control systems play a pivotal role in combating dynamic security challenges the healthcare industry faces. Healthcare companies rely heavily on IT & security to protect their staff, patients, and sensitive data. A system that still relies on legacy technology or outdated credentials creates a greater risk the longer you wait to update it, and it won’t help you stay compliant with HIPAA requirements. 

Have you conducted an internal audit to identify any potential gaps or vulnerabilities in your access control systems that you need to address before an external audit takes place? 

ADVANTIDGE can help expedite your physical access control upgrades so you can maintain HIPAA compliance.


Key Ways Upgrading Your Access Control System Will Help You Meet HIPAA Compliance:


Update Your HID Prox | Migrate to Secure Credential Technology 

Are there areas or departments in your facility that still depend on low frequency 125Khz prox cards? No matter the size of your organization, your physical measures & procedures are not going to be industry compliant if your legacy technology is supported by easily clonable credentials.

HID’s Seos credential technology, for example, leverages widely reviewed open standards and best-in-class cryptography for unrivaled data & privacy protection. Supported by a software-based infrastructure, Seos secures trusted identities on any form factor, and can be extended for applications beyond just physical access control. This can allow flexibility to support safety and privacy across your unique mix of form factors and applications utilized within your industry. 

When updating your HID prox cards and readers, not only can your staff, facilities, and data remain secure, but the risk of your access control system getting hacked, can also be negated. 


Tailor Your Credentials 

We know it’s tricky finding a system that uniquely supports the policies of various parts of your organization. On the client facing side, you need to be able to personalize your credentials to verify your identity to patients. Do all of your healthcare professionals have the proper ID badge with proper certifications to keep you compliant? 

Simultaneously, on the back end, do your current physical and logical access control systems authorize a person’s entry based on their role or function? 

ADVANTIDGE access control systems are flexible and can be tailored to your specific department needs & identities, no matter the size of your company. Additionally, if you need to improve your logical access control system with multi-factor authentication; we can implement that as another necessary layer to stay compliant with HIPAA regulations. 


Make Sure Your PACS is Prepped for Emergencies 

From physical safeguards to protect you staff, data, and patients; your physical access control needs to support your facilities safety plans in the event of an emergency. How quickly can your system identify and notify your team of an unauthorized intrusion? With upgraded PACS and a Visitor Management System in place, you can secure your perimeter, staff, patients, and data to meet HIPAA compliance & effectively respond to emergencies. 

Don’t have a visitor management system in place either? Visit here to explore your options.


Getting your PACS upgraded to remain HIPAA compliant doesn’t have to be a laborious process. ADVANTIDGE can plug in with existing readers &  technologies, so you can smoothly phase out of your legacy access control systems.